Monday, February 27, 2017

A Twitter account for Zeze the X

I created a twitter account for Esperanza, but her handle names her “Zeze the X”, the name she wished she had in the beginning chapters of The House on Mango Street. For her avatar and header, I used fan art that I found in google images, but I feel that it portrays her character accurately. Under her bio, I wrote “A 13 year old girl with dreams. Firmly rooted yet reaching toward the sky.” I thought this followed her writing style of being short and poetic and it likens her to the trees she identifies with that stand in front of her house. She follows several other accounts based on her interests. She follows a jump rope account because that’s what she enjoys doing with her friends. She follows makeup hacks so she can learn how to make her eyes look like Cleopatra, the way that Sally paints them. She also looks longingly from time to time at the account, Female Shoes and Home Style. She keeps up with events in Chicago and Mexico by reading from news organizations from both countries. Mostly though, she follows accounts for writers and poets. She also follows an account based on Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own.”


  1. Hi Cassidy,

    The artwork on the Twitter works quite well for Esperanza, and the accounts she follows are thoughtful. It is entirely appropriate for her to follow an "A Room of One's Own" account as a young woman with aspirations of writing her way to autonomy. However, there are no tweets from Esperanza to help create her own voice on this platform. As an aspiring writer who wants to tell the story of Mango Street, surely Esperanza would make good use of her account to Tweet out to her followers.

    1. I forgot to add that using ZeZe the X for her username is great.


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