Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The House on Mango Street: Category 2 Prompt C

I decided to create Sally a twitter account for this assignment.

As her profile picture I wanted to find a picture that made sure she still looked like a young girl, but at the same time I wanted her to look older than her age.  I decided that this profile picture suited my needs because I feel like it emphasized these features.  I chose the header because the last time we see Sally is after she gets married and I think this was a big development in her character since this was the only way she would escape her father.  I decided to username as xoxoSally13 because Sally seemed like a flirtatious character later on in the novel.  I think if she had a twitter account then she would have had something like this in her name.  I also think that the x's and o's are appropriate for her age.  For Sally's bio, I kept it brief.  I think that Sally would have been one for keeping things short and simple.  I think her personality was just of a girl dreaming of falling in love and escaping her abusive father.

Throughout the book, Sally is compared to her aunts because her father does not want her to turn out like them.  When Sally's father beats her for talking to boys, I think Sally would have reflected on how she is her own person and not just like her aunts.  If she had a twitter account I think she would vent through social media like this.

I think that despite her father's abusive nature towards her interest in men, I think she would have posted about her love interests on twitter.  I think that Sally would have been happy and giddy about the potential of falling in love.  I also felt like she would have needed to brag about the attention she got from men in order to make herself feel better about herself.  

I think that Sally would have romanticized the idea of being married.  I think that she would have bragged about being married to her friends (and followers) in order to set her self apart from them.  I also think that Sally would have needed to reconfirm these feelings within herself.  To convince herself she was better to be married than living with her father.  I think she will not miss her father, but she will miss some of her friends, like Esperanza.

I think that Sally's marriage had a lot of negatives, but I do not think that she would ever reveal that to her followers.  I think she would have kept that to herself and tried to focus on the positives, such as getting to buy things for her house and own stuff.  The last tweet is in regards to if anyone ever told Sally that they all thought she got married to just escape her father.  I think Sally would see this as people accusing her of not loving her husband, even though she says she does.

After Sally got married, I think she would have followed Marriage Goals because I think she wanted to live a successful marriage.  I think she would have followed pages emphasizing her hispanic culture and she would have kept in touch with Esperanza since they claimed to be friends.  I also think that she would have still considered Chicago her home and would have wanted to keep touch their.  Lastly, I think she would have followed True Love Stories, because I think Sally was overall a romantic who wanted to get away from the tragedies in her life.  I think she dreamed of being whisked away by a man and falling in love. 

Overall, I think Sally is an interesting character in The House on Mango Street.  I think her life was drastically different than Esperanza's life and I think that she was a character who wanted to escape her father more than anything.  I also think that Sally was the way she was because her father thought the only thing she was capable of was chasing boys and shaming the family.  


  1. I love this! This looks authentic and I love "Tired of all the rumors. I love my husband" #stoplying. You see so much of this currently and it gives off the vibe that she is convincing herself more than anyone else. The "I love buying things for MY house" but fails to point out "when my husband gives me money. This gives outsiders the impression of freedom and marital bliss, but Esperanza mentions how lonely she really is, but only to those who are close to her.

  2. Hi Carleigh,

    This Twitter feed captures the voice of Sally so well. By framing her narrative through social media, you reveal how familiar Sally is to all of us. Even though Sally's origins are geographically distinct and she exists at her own unique intersection of ethnic, religious, and economic identities, her tale is also a deeply familiar one that we see pop up again and again in girls' cultures and your Twitter feed really authentically captures that.


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