Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ms. Marvel: Category B Prompt B

Ms. Marvel represents the imperfect superhero. She has powers but every interaction she has with using them or actually saving someone is followed almost immediately by some secondary problem. I chose these meme’s because they represent that trope, one that is similar to other teen heroes (ex. Spider-man). The problems they deal with are very real and relatable, but there is also the comedic aspect of their character that keeps things more light hearted than the other older heroes. Kamala is a modern girl, living by the rules of a much older set of traditions and customs. Her powers grant her autonomy but her age sees that she remains bound to her parents rules, even as she continually defies them. Her image as an average, even slightly uncool teenager, is juxtaposed by the incredibility her powers, although even they are slightly uncool and little awkward. Everything about Kamala makes her relatable to the audience, whether are currently a teen or have been one. Her struggle is the age old story of trying to find herself in her parents world, and her powers just highlight the theme rather than detract from it.


  1. Safeeyah,

    I love you last couple of memes you used. Especially the grounded one, because she does get grounded several times, but in fact, she was never ungrounded, so technically the groundings cancel each other out, thus Kamala is free... lol Great job on the memes. I love me a good laugh.

  2. I like your stance in that Kamala is an imperfect superhero. I also appreciate your memes! Great job!

  3. Hi Safeeyah,

    I agree with your observation that even Kamala's powers are awkward and emphasize the instability and awkwardness of being an adolescent. It actually reminds me of one of my favorite readings of Alice in Wonderland, which suggests that it is all about adolescent femininity as Alice's body changes and fluctuates beyond her control and causes her embarrassment. In that reading, Alice's journey through Wonderland is all about her learning to control her rapidly changing body and desires. I think you could similarly read Kamala's powers as symbolic of the adolescent bodily experience. I appreciate that your memes emphasize the unglamorous and awkward side of being an adolescent superhero (or just an adolescent in general).


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